Castors and wheels for event technology, entertainment and events

Before the show is after the show. The music and event industry is extremely fast-moving. What is still standing in Munich today will be in use in Berlin tomorrow. Castors used under technical or flight cases have to be all-rounders, robust, quiet in use and they have to make the cases stackable quickly and safely. Here, one name says it all: Blue Wheels. Stage technology swears by these wheels. During the event, on stage, disturbing background noises are taboo. Castors must move almost silently and smoothly. If scenery is to be turned or pushed, our solutions are also used. The show must go on.
Advantages of mobility for event technology
- Extremely robust in tough everyday assembly and dismantling conditions
- Whisper quiet running
- Gentle on the floor, leaves no traces
- Make cases easily stackable
- Can be rolled comfortably
- Start up simply and smoothly
- Can be determined safely
- Offer 360° rotatability
Product examples for event technology:
► Blue Wheels
Blue special castors for cases in the event sector, also with load-dependent directional locking for quick stacking in the existing recesses.
► Rotating collars
► Pressure Bearings
► Heavy-duty transport castors
We are the specialists for every industry and provide you with the right mobility solutions for your area of application.
Talk to us!
Special requirements?
Of course, we also develop individual castors and wheels for our customers according to the required specifications. Please contact us for your special production requirements.
Catalogue free of charge
General catalogue with over 12,000 articles, lots of information, tips, applications and product guides.
Need help with the product selection?
Our team of experts will find the best solution
for your application on +49 2191 59217-0