Certification of BS Rollen
This is how we work
We work for and with quality.

We'll hold on. With you.
That is why quality is our highest priority. By this we mean creativity and thoroughness in planning, conscientious craftsmanship and computer-accurate manufacturing during production, and measurable class in the end product. We will let you prove that. Here knowledge is more than belief. Quality management at BS Rollen is certified according to DIN EN ISO 9001: 2015. We have test stands that enable us to carry out technically relevant product testing in accordance with DIN EN 12527 to DIN EN 12533, and partial testing in accordance with DIN EN 1004.

Constant quality checks
And because everything is in order, we believe in ourselves. It won't roll any other way. That's how it's been so far, and that's how it will stay. We promise. Our tradition is an obligation. And our high quality moves us. Not just your business. And not just physically. It also moves us. Personally. It is always an incentive for us. For you. And for us. Every single Castor plays a major role for us. A precision landing in quality - for us, that's a Castor forwards. And that's how we get your business moving. With our quality.